About Merix Technologies

Who are we?

Merix Technologies offers efficient, secure and durable technology solutions, in partnership with the best producers in the industry.

Why choose us?

For our high level of expertise

For our specialized services based on your business continuity

For our experience

For our focus on security

What makes us different?

Client satisfaction

Personalized relationships and flawless quality of service are central to us.

Our know-how

Our professional services are imbued with technological know-how patiently earned over 30 years working in IT.

Our responsibility

We take great care in protecting our clients' mission. Our approach and our attention to detail are the keys to our success.

Our story

Founded in July under the name Intégraphique Inc.
Client base is established in business sectors with high-availability IT needs, including graphic arts, printing and print media businesses.
Diversification of client groups to include businesses operating in other sectors in Quebec and Canada.
Client base grows to include the United States and technological offering expands.
Business name changes to reflect the diverse nature of our activities.

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